
乔帮主 发表于 2014-10-17 17:14:06


Pentaho Kettle , 强大的PDI (ETL)工具。http://static.open-open.com/lib/uploadImg/20140327/20140327163506_142.png

· Spoon: The integrated development environment. Offers a graphical user interface for creating and editing job and transformation definitions. Spoon can also be used to execute and debug jobs and transformations, and it also includes functionality for performance monitoring.   Spoon : 集成开发环境。提供用户图形界面化创建和编辑任务和转换定义。同时也能提供执行和调试任务和转换,并且还包括性能监控功能。
· Kitchen: A command line–driven job runner, which can be used to integrate Kettle with OS-level scripts. It is typically used to schedule jobs with a scheduler such as cron, at, or the Windows Task Scheduler.   Kitchen:一个命令行的任务执行器(注意不是转换),可被用来与操作系统层的脚本集成。通常结合使用例如cron,at 或windows任务管理器定义周期性任务。
· Pan: A command line–driven program just like Kitchen, but it is used for executing transformations instead of jobs.   Pan:通Kitchen一样是命令行方式执行器,不过这个仅仅能执行转换定义,而不是任务。
· Carte: A light-weight server (based on the Jetty HTTP server) that runs in the background and listens for requests to run a job. Carte is used to distribute and coordinate job execution across a collection of computers forming a Kettle cluster.    Carte:一个运行在后头的轻量级服务(基于Jetty的HTTP服务),通过监听请求来运行任务。使用Carte在Kettle集群分发和协作任务的执行。

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