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发表于 2014-10-30 13:16:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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在这一次的采访中,Cloudera公司首席架构师Doug Cutting向我们解释了开源开发机制为何更加强调技术常识而非开发信念,同时深度剖析了开源机制在企业环境下的应用方式。
Doug Cutting是众多获得巨大成功的开源项目的创始人,其中包括Lucene以及hadoop这样的重量级成果。目前他在Cloudera公司担任首席架构师一职,同时也在Apache软件基金会董事会任职。
在这一次的采访中,他向我们解释了开源开发机制为何更加强调技术常识而非开发信念,同时深度剖析了开源机制在企业环境下的应用方式。此前他曾在All Things Open大会上作出过主题演讲,因此我也向他问起Lucene的开源开发之路、他个人在Apache软件基金会中所扮演的角色以及开源机制对他而言意味着什么。
其实当时的状况与现在相比并没有太多差别。学术界与研究界的从业者们早就开始了软件开发成果的分享之旅,因此免费下载技术方案的概念或者开源许可并不算是什么新鲜事物。(我与GPL的首次邂逅是在1985年,当时我在这套许可之下为GNU Emacs贡献了一部分代码。)要说差别,当时使用的工具与当下有所不同。我们那时候使用的是Concurrent Versions System (即并发版本系统,简称CVS),因为当时还不存在版本控制这类可用工具。我们并没有使用错误追踪机制,只是单纯通过邮件列表来处理沟通工作,不过其基本流程还是一样的。人们利用它来交流并协调自己在共享项目中的工作成果。
Chief Architect of Cloudera on growth of Hadoop
Doug Cutting is founder of numerous successful open source projects, including Lucene and Hadoop, and currently the chief architect at Cloudera and sits on the Board of the Apache Software Foundation.
In this interview, he tells me how working on open source is more about common sense than creed and dives into open source adoption in the enterprise. Prior to his keynote at the All Things Open conference, I asked him about open sourcing Lucene, what his role is like on the board of the Apache Software Foundation, and what the open source way means to him.
What was it like to open source Lucene back in 2000 when you released it on SourceForge under the GPL license?
It wasn’t that different than things are today. Folks had shared software for a long time in the academic and research communities, so the concept of downloading free stuff wasn’t new, nor were open source licenses. (I first ran into the GPL in 1985 when I contributed some code to GNU Emacs.) The tools were different. We used Concurrent Versions System (CVS), since even subversion wasn’t yet available. We didn’t use a bugtracker, just the mailing list, but the fundamental process is much the same. People communicate to coordinate their work on a shared project.
Since the first project you founded, Lucene, you have followed the open source way principles. Do you still apply them today, and why?
To me it’s more common sense than following any particular creed. I want to help create software that people use, that’s useful. I like to do this together with other people. The rest follows naturally. One must treat collaborators with respect or they won’t want to collaborate. Similarly, transparency and meritocracy are required to build healthy, long-lived collaborative communities. At this level it’s not much different than non-software projects. If you’re cleaning up after a party then some folks need to clear the table, some wash dishes, some put chairs away, etc. No one is the boss, everyone just pitches in where they can to achieve the group’s goal, which is both to get the house clean and to remain friends.
You are a member of the Apache Software Foundation board. Can you tell is a bit about your role?
Mostly the Apache Board monitors all the projects in the foundation to make sure each has a healthy community. We need to ensure that projects aren’t controlled by one person or company, that everyone is acting respectfully, etc. Each of the 150+ Apache projects submits a quarterly report to the board, so we review about 50 projects at each monthly meeting. Most run smoothly. Occasionally we have to give a project a nudge in the right direction. The board also deals with the typical administrivia, like making sure someone keeps the website running, collecting donations, filing taxes, etc.
With the increasing adoption of open source in enterprise, where do you see both open source and Hadoop in 3 to 5 years?
I gravitated to open source because it suited me as a developer. It lets lots of folks use software I work on, which is personally rewarding. But it also is very attractive to users of software, since they can be less dependent on other businesses (“locked in”). More and more developers are creating open source alternatives to proprietary technologies. Given the choice, users prefer an open source implementation for it’s lack of lock in. The Hadoop ecosystem has taken the next step, where the open source implementations came first. Few are motivated to create proprietary alternatives since folks would likely prefer the open source versions. I expect this pattern to continue for many years. The core components of the Hadoop ecosystem will remain open source, even as the core grows and mutates. Some proprietary tools survive at the top of the stack, but few will at the base.
What is your take on the formation of the TODO group?
I spoke briefly with them, and I think it’s just a mailing list for folks running corporate open source projects to talk about best practices. They don’t seem to have more of an agenda than that. Lots of companies publish something open source and have common technical and legal issues. They’d like to collaborate on approaches, or at least commiserate.
via:核子可乐译 51CTO

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