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发表于 2014-10-14 09:15:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Flatiron 正在用OncologyCloud帮助对抗癌症。他们的目标是要建立和癌症有关的医疗信息的最大数据库,并使其通过云向医生、患者、教师和研究人员提供。
它的工作原理是,目前只从癌症患者的一个非常小的样本收集数据 ,即有4%的患者参与注册临床试验。对病因和治疗方法持有关键线索的那些96%的数据财富往往仍然锁定在医疗记录和医生的笔记之中。
Flatiron 希望通过它的数据采集技术汇总这些信息,那么世界各地的专业人士都会有一个强大的数据驱动的工具,这将产生新的治疗方法和更高的存活率。
LendUp已经建立了自己作为一个“负责任”的替代发薪日贷款公司的形象, 这种公司传统上以过高的利率收取短期贷款的,支持高收费,并且如果客户没有付款会配合以积极的收债行为。
它们的算法和数据库体系结构被设计成帮助那些正在产生大量的机器驱动的数据的企业 ,比方说来自于在工业环境中安装在生产设备上的传感器中的数据。这些数据集可能会变得非常大,非常迅速,这项服务的目的是保持它的可控性。
其前提之一是数据科学家需要一个他们正在研究的数据的清晰,简明的表示,这样才能得出可靠的结论,所以Tamr提供一个接口,把你所有的数据源连接在一起。 它也被设计通过机器学习算法来处理高度自动化的工作,如制定许多决策包括需要哪些数据、如何展示这些数据等。但是,当它做得决定在自己的薪酬等级之上时,它会“伸手”向人类专家团队中的最合适的人寻求帮助。
客户流失是一个导致企业失败的典型原因。所以Appuri让企业用数据算法来跟踪整个客户生命周期 即每个客户从他们开始购买你的产品或使用你的服务的那一刻直到他们停止使用之间的接触和互动。
The Big Data industry is changing weekly and unless you pay very close attention to who’s who in the maelstrom of emerging big data innovators, these upstarts might have slipped under your radar. Expect to hear more about some of them, and the technologies, services and applications they are developing, in the near future. Of course in the fast currents they are trying to swim in, others may sink without a trace!
Crowdflower calls itself a “data enrichment platform” and uses the power of crowdsourcing to sift through its customer’s datasets in search of the insights they are looking for.
Their network of 5 million data scientists work in a similar way to Kaggle. However instead of concentrating on solving big, one-off problems for giants like Netflix or Google, they can be put to work solving more everyday data dilemmas for companies of any size.
Flatiron is helping the fight against cancer with its OncologyCloud, They are aiming to build the biggest database of medical information relating to cancer and make it available to doctors, patients, teachers and researchers through the cloud.
It works on the principle that aggregated data is currently only collected from a very small sample of cancer patients – the 4% which take part in registered clinical trials. The wealth of data from the other 96% which could hold vital clues to causes and treatments often remains locked away in medical records and doctors’ notes.
Flatiron hopes by aggregating this information through its data capture technology then professionals around the world will have a powerful, data-driven tool at their disposal which will lead to new treatments and greater survival rates.
LendUp has built a reputation for itself as a “responsible” alternative to payday loans companies, which traditionally charge exorbitant interest rates for short-term loans, backed up with high charges and aggressive debt collection practices if customers miss payments.
Their credit-scoring is built around a big data analysis of the lending landscape, meaning they can more accurately assess the risk of every application, and offer fairer rates of interest.  They offer a way for individuals with legitimate need to access short-term credit at interest rates comparable to a credit card or bank loan.
Infobright styles itself as a “data analytics platform for the internet of things”.
Their algorithms and database architecture are designed to help companies who are generating large amounts of machine-driven data – for example from sensors attached to manufacturing equipment in an industrial environment. These datasets can grow very large, very quickly and this service is designed to keep it all manageable.
After marketing, detecting fraud is one of the most popular uses that companies of all sizes are finding for big data, particularly if they rely on online transactions for their revenue.
Feedzai claims it can reduce the fraudulent transactions that your company handles by up to 80%, blocking them if its predictive algorithms find that the transaction fits a profile which is too risky.
Reducing fraud across the board means increases in profits for retailers which can be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices, hopefully saving us all a bit of money!
Data curation is about managing the data flow coming into a company and ensuring that the right data is being collected to match the job at hand. Tamr has developed services to automate the identifying, cleaning and preparing the necessary information for analysis.
Part of their premise is that data scientists need a clear, concise representation of the data they are studying in order to be able to draw reliable conclusions, so Tamr offers an interface for drawing all of your data sources together. It is also designed to work with a high level of automation – making many of the decisions about what data to include, and how to present it, automatically through machine learning algorithms. However, it will “reach out” to human experts on your team – asking the most appropriate person for help when it needs to make a decision above its pay grade.
Losing customers (churn) is a good way for a business to fail. So Appuri lets a business put data algorithms to work to track the whole customer life cycle – the contact and interaction each customer has from the moment they start buying your products or using your services, to the moment they stop.
The idea is that this will throw up insights into why your customers stop using your service, meaning you can put changes in place to stop it happening. If you know a build-up of events is taking place that can be expected to lead to high churn rates, you can launch a counter-attack, with a campaign designed to win back departing customers.
Gnip is designed to help businesses make sense, and gain insights from, the ever-growing mountains of data being broadcast over social networks.
The public is getting more and more comfortable with the idea of sharing details of their lives (such as what they buy) over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many other services. This offers a way to analyze your own network and hopefully gain valuable insights into how you can help them solve their problems or fill their needs.

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